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Short Cuts

Client-Side vs. Server-Side Ad Insertion: Which is Winning in 2024 and Why

Client-side or server-side? Ask 5 streaming adtech experts and you'll get 6 opinions. Streaming Media's Nadine Krefetz asks execs from Roku, Paramount, JWP, Akamai, and Infinitive which they prefer and why in this clip from Streaming Media NYC. Tune in and watch the feathers fly.

Are FAST Bets Paying Off for Independent Streamers?

现在,FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视)可以说已经走过了“抢占分销土地”的阶段,并且已经成熟,远远超出了它最初在传统内容上的优势, are independent streamers' investments in FAST proving worthwhile? Execs from Crackle, Tastemade, 和dangertv——所有独立流媒体联盟(ISA)的成员——在纽约流媒体中心与流媒体公司的Marion Ranchet讨论了克服的挑战和未来的挑战.

FAST, Data, and Tracking Diverse Audiences

Given that traditional media measurement companies have always underrepresented diverse audiences, 针对多元文化受众的少数族裔拥有的内容公司在追踪这些受众并利用数据将其渠道货币化方面面临着独特的挑战, as Publicis Media EVP Cultural Investment & Stephen Paez在纽约流媒体与媒体世界制图师Evan Shapiro的坦诚讨论中解释了创新.

How Streamers Can Help Advertisers Deliver the Right Creative

流媒体平台广告的独特之处一直都是将合适的广告传递给合适的用户的绝佳机会,而传统电视广告的单色广泛性是无法实现的. But delivering on that promise remains a work in progress. PepsiCo Head of Media Strategy & Katie Haniffy在OMD U的采访中讨论了流媒体可以更有效地与广告商合作的具体方法,以帮助他们将创意与消费者相匹配,并确保他们的广告转化.S. Head of Video Investment & Activation Suzanne Irving at Streaming Media NYC.

How DAZN Leans Into the Curves of Consumer Engagement

Delivering premium content to broad audiences means acclimating to the viewing habits of different consumer demographics, 对于像DAZN这样的体育流媒体来说,为年轻观众提供像体育直播这样的长篇内容会有什么挑战. In this clip from Streaming Media NYC 2024, DAZN全球CRO和美国总裁Walker Jacobs讨论了社交和CTV观众的参与曲线,以及DAZN如何学会向他们学习.

Are CTV Platforms Like Google TV Creating a New Entertainment Sector?

CTV platforms like Google TV are filling the void as traditional cable systems recede from their former ubiquity, and arguably creating an entirely new category of content distributor, 谷歌电视产品经理UX Rob Caruso与媒体宇宙制图师Evan Shapiro在纽约流媒体的炉边聊天. Shapiro even coins a new term for this new entertainment sector: ‘Collabregator.'

Follow the Data or Stay on Brand? A DEI-Focused Digital Strategist’s Dilemma

对于数字战略家来说,在回应数据告诉你的粉丝群的欲望和保持品牌身份之间取得平衡是一个长期存在的问题, in the FAST world as much as any other part of the media ecosystem. It can be especially difficult for a company like Fuse Media, with its stated mission of telling positive stories for diverse audiences, when the analytics say "more true crime" or "be more like TMZ." Fuse Media VP, 数字战略Rashaun Hall解释了他是如何在纽约流媒体与媒体制图师Evan Shapiro的讨论中走这条钢丝的.

Securing Streams: What Are We Trying to Protect?

Few streaming stakeholders, from entertainment to enterprise, would deny that stream security and anti-piracy matter, 但是当我们使用DRM或其他方法来遏制流媒体内容的不当挪用时,我们真正保护的是什么? Are we protecting user experiences? Profitability? Proprietary content? An international panel of industry experts from Synamedia, EZDRM, Vindral, United Cloud, and Help Me Stream weigh in on this critical question in this clip from Streaming Media NYC 2024.

How DAZN Monetizes Premium Live Sports Streams

Even as a leading global disruptor in premium sports rights acquisition and content delivery, DAZN must contend with the practical realities of serving customers in a broader sports streaming marketplace, 广告和盈利策略不可避免地比投放15分和30分以及定位品牌整合等更复杂, says DAZN Global CRO and President USA Walker Jacobs. Customization, fanbase-building, and more factor into the monetization equation, as Jacobs tells Reality Software's Nadine Krefetz in this candid fireside chat from Streaming Media NYC 2024.

Are Streaming Workflows Going 100% Cloud?

Cloud streaming workflows and infrastructure seemed like the wave of the future 5 years ago, due to the rapid growth of cloud technology, their evident advantages in scalability, and economies of scale, and accelerated adoption during the height of the pandemic. Today, 流媒体的云端发展似乎已成定局——尽管对于这一假设是否适用于某些直播和视频点播工作流程,众说纷纭, 以及具有基本内部部署组件的产品——正如本讨论涉及来自Endeavor Streaming的关键云从业者一样, Grabyo, TMT Insights, and LiveX at Streaming Media NYC reveals.

PepsiCo’s Take on the Future of CTV Advertising

Looking ahead to the future of CTV, PepsiCo Head of Media Strategy & Investment Katie Haniffy sees shoppable advertising, investing more in live events on streaming platforms, 并将保持文化相关性作为新举措的关键要素,以利用CTV广告的新兴可能性并建立粉丝基础, as she explains in this clip from her fireside chat with OMD U.S. Head of Video Investment & Activation Suzanne Irving at Streaming Media NYC.

How Google Leverages First-Party and Partner Data to Improve Consumer Experiences

For "data machines" like Google, 问题是永远不要有太少的客户数据,而是要管理数据过载,以精确地确定要利用的正确数据来构建定制, targeted, personalized experiences that satisfy users and keep them engaged. Increasingly, 谷歌电视产品经理用户体验Rob Caruso在纽约流媒体与媒体宇宙制图师Evan Shapiro的采访中如是说, 它正在与合作伙伴合作,确定第一方和合作伙伴数据的正确组合,将个性化提升到一个新的水平.

SMNYC 2024: Adeia's Serhad Doken Talks Big-Picture Tech Stack Sustainability

Streaming Media's Tim Siglin interviews Adeia's Serhad Doken at Streaming Media NYC. Doken discusses the company's focus on inventing solutions for future industry problems. These inventions could lead to new products, markets, and services over the next five to ten years. 他还强调了可持续性的重要性,以及需要从更广泛的角度来考虑这一问题,而不是把重点放在小孤岛上, and he highlights the complexity of the media ecosystem and the interconnectedness of its various parts.

SMNYC 2024: United Cloud's Boban Kasalovic Talks End-to-End Streaming and Content Security

Streaming Media's Tim Siglin interviews United Cloud's Boban Kasalovic at Streaming Media NYC. 卡萨洛维奇讨论了联合云开发的端到端流解决方案和一个名为角斗士的反盗版平台. The platform uses machine learning and AI to analyze data and identify critical behavior that could lead to piracy. The company has also implemented Widevine CAS for its hybrid solution.

SMNYC 2024: Fremantle's Laura Florence Talks FAST Gamification and Beat the BUZZR

Streaming Media's Tim Siglin interviews Fremantle's Laura Florence at Streaming Media NYC. She discusses how Fremantle seeks to engage audiences with older content by incorporating interactive elements, such as trivia and fun facts, into the viewing experience, allowing users to interact with the content through a mobile app. 她还讨论了使用恢复性人工智能来提高现代观看平台上录制的旧内容的质量.

SMNYC 2024: Netflix Engineer Sujana Sooreddy Talks Sustainability, Mentorship, and Women in Streaming Media

Streaming Media contributing editor Tim Siglin interviews Netflix engineer Sujana Sooreddy at Streaming Media NYC 2024. She discusses the challenges of encoding and transcoding content for different formats and devices, 她还强调了使用数据分析来了解特定流的计算使用情况和可见性的重要性. She also talks about the increasing number of women in the field and the value of mentorship within the community.

SMNYC 2024: Synamedia's Robin Oakley Talks Stream Security and the Consumer Experience

Streaming Media's Tim Siglin interviews Synamedia's Robin Oakley at Streaming Media NYC 2024. 他强调了主动安全方法的重要性,并强调了公司使用通用访问令牌格式的工作, a CTA Wave initiative that aims to create a common CDN token syntax that can be used across multiple CDNs. 他还谈到了在为消费者保持高质量体验的同时保护内容的挑战,以及日益复杂的盗版问题.

SMNYC 2024: id3as CMO Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen Talks Norsk, Low-Code, No-Code & Streaming Media Past and Future

Streaming Media's Tim Siglin interviews Norsk CMO Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen at Streaming Media NYC 2024. Schumacher-Rasmussen is a former editor of Streaming Media and current Chief Marketing Officer of id3as, a UK-based software development startup. He introduces Norsk, a live media server with a low-code SDK that allows users to build complex, scalable, live streaming workflows. Rasmussen预测了行业中无代码解决方案的趋势,并强调了让非专家也能访问流媒体的重要性.

SMNYC 2024: Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer Talks AI, Codecs, and Patent Pools

At Streaming Media NYC 2024, Tim Siglin interviews Jan Ozer of the Streaming Learning Center. Ozer讨论了流媒体学习中心如何扩展为一个提供流媒体相关主题课程的平台,以帮助行业中的技术人员熟悉术语, technologies, best practices, and tools. He also talks about machine learning, the shift towards Neural Programming Units (NPUs), and the legal and financial implications of choosing a codec due to potential patent infringements.

SMNYC 2024: Microsoft CTO Andy Beach Talks Gamified FAST and Leveraging AI to Make Old Content Feel New

流媒体的蒂姆·西格林在2024年纽约流媒体大会上采访了微软首席技术官安迪·比奇,讨论了FAST的游戏化想法. Beach讨论了通过第二屏幕应用程序创建琐事和交互性的概念,该应用程序允许用户相互连接和竞争. He also talks about the technical challenges of bringing old content into 2024, the potential of generative AI, and integrating physical events into the gamification process.