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Are CTV Platforms Like Google TV Creating a New Entertainment Sector?

像谷歌电视这样的CTV平台正在填补传统有线电视系统的空白,因为它们以前无处不在,并且可以说创造了一个全新的内容分销商类别, contends Google TV 产品经理UX Rob Caruso与Media Universe制图师在炉边聊天 Evan Shapiro at Streaming Media NYC. 夏皮罗甚至为这个新的娱乐领域创造了一个新名词:“合作者”.”

The role of CTV platforms as the new entertainment distributors  

夏皮罗指出,谷歌的一个主要优势是其庞大的基础设施, 这对它开发新产品和接触新地区客户群的能力有很大帮助. “令人着迷的是操作系统的到来和演变, the connected television…you're creating a new space, a new sector, a new segment of entertainment,” he says. “To a certain extent, it's software, operational, and discovery, but on the other hand, it's much more than that. 无论出于何种意图和目的,它都是用户体验和用户界面. 从经济和理论的角度来看,是什么定义了这个新兴市场?”

Caruso says that what’s emerging is not necessarily new, but the distribution platforms have changed the most. 而不是笨重的老式有线电视盒,它曾经提供用户界面, smart TVs have risen to dominance, 尽管智能电视的生态系统还没有平板电脑和手机那么发达. “但我们仍然能够在智能电视上进行交互式操作,这是有线电视生态系统无法做到的,” he says. “所以我不知道这是一种新的娱乐体验,因为它只是改变了它的传递方式, 传递比特的实际机制和你正在交互的设备. You mentioned the economics, that's slightly different. You're not paying big subscription packages to get this. 你需要为单个应用支付更多的微订阅费用,也可能是付费电视提供商 YouTube TV or Hulu. And then there's the ad-supported component of it that has shifted. It's not that it didn't exist [before], but it's the CTV platforms that are taking a bigger role there.”

The new age of the “collabregators”

夏皮罗说,CTV平台作为娱乐分销商的新角色就像“新时代的多频道视频节目分销商”(MVPD)。,他喜欢把这种分布式聚合的新形式称为“合作者”,” which should more evenly rise the tides for all players. “Ostensibly, 我们从基于收费的分销模式转变为更多地围绕收益分成的模式,” he says. However, 他观察到,所有这些新参与者的利益并不像他们可能的那样一致, 随着不同平台和提供商的“围墙花园”的持续存在,用户体验变得更加复杂. He asks Caruso, “A, what's your take on that? And B, 你认为有什么途径可以更好地协调所有参与者的利益,从而更好地满足消费者的利益和需求吗?”

卡鲁索说:“说到底,独享没有任何意义。. “If you're a Free Ad-Supported TV (FAST) provider, you want [your reach and visibility] to be as wide as possible. 在快速发展的世界里,人们对自己的经历不那么看重,因为你想要那种经历. 如果有人在本地CTV平台的其他地方消费你的内容,你可能没有问题. For instance, [at Google], we aggregate as much information as possible, and we expose it to the user in the interface. If you choose to launch an app, that's great too. 但我们看到的是,了解一款应用的用户数量大幅增加, downloaded that app and launched it…that user's already been reached. What we're doing is by bringing that content forward, 我们正在引进一些新用户,他们可能不知道下载 Pluto app or a Tubi app, and now they're getting incremental viewing as a result of that. 所以对我来说,这可能是潮水能让每个人都振作起来的最好例子. 通过使用我们的界面来帮助发现内容,我们从中获得了一些好处. 合伙人的收视率在增加,所以大家都是赢家.”

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