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The Lure of New Gear

As the march of new tech accelerates, 这就引出了一个问题:我们是否应该再等一会儿,看看新装备能提供什么, or do we go with what's available now, even if might seem a bit older

With manufacturing and expos 在COVID之后恢复速度,技术的进步再次加快. 它总会引出一个问题:我们是否应该再等一会儿,看看新装备能提供什么, or do we go with what's available now, even if might seem a bit older? 除了我们自己的需求,我们还需要考虑更大的问题.

I can see the appeal of something brand new or announced. Usually, it’s several technologies integrated into one solution, or advancements in operator convenience—smaller, lighter, less power. I am as susceptible to this as anyone. Tiny all-in-one production solutions are indeed convenient. That new PTZ camera with integrated Wi-Fi and NDI sounds amazing. 那款搭载Ultra芯片的新笔记本电脑似乎以更小的体积以更低的功耗提供了更高的性能, lighter frame.

但与此同时,一些较老的设备已经在可靠地完成这项工作. It may not be as fast or as light. 不管这些便利对我们这些生产者有多大的吸引力, we also need to consider what the end client wants. They want repeatability, reliability. 通常,他们想要和以前一样的东西.

他们雇佣我们是因为我们提供了一种他们了解的产品,并且他们已经接受了他们所付出的价格所带来的价值. 虽然有时他们会要求定制附加组件,但他们想要的核心组件仍然是相同的

我想任何一个在餐馆吃过饭的人都能说出同样的话. 我们回去是因为我们喜欢以前的东西,我们喜欢它,我们知道我们得到了什么.

当流媒体制作专业人士有回头客时,他们会因为同样的原因回到我们这里. 他们想要的是价格、性能,以及最终能得到什么. 当看到新技术以及它们能为我们这些生产者做些什么的时候, 我们需要考虑该技术的实现对我们的客户可能产生的下游影响. Will it change the workflow? Will it change deliverables? Will it not be able to do something that our customers expect?

This could be something small and easily worked through, or it could be a big shift, 比如彻底改变在线云审核和审批流程. It might be invisible, 比如使用不同的OVP将客户的视频放在白标签页面上, 或者它可能会带来一些问题,比如观众的评论不能在重播时附加到视频上. 我们需要从客户的角度来考虑整个问题.

We need to consider the business aspect too. 如果你的公司正在发展壮大,需要在一定的时间内增加相机或其他设备, will those new products be available when you need them? 一款产品发布了多少次,然后花了几个月才发布, or the product changes before it gets delivered? 或者当它最终发布时,却带着意想不到的缺陷. Or it doesn’t ship at all.

These issues not only affect our ability to produce shows reliably; they affect our ability to deliver what the client expects us to provide. 不管是不是新的烤架,用餐者仍然希望他们的汉堡按照他们喜欢的方式烹饪. They don’t care about problems with your new gear. 他们不在乎一家公司没有交付他们去年发布的相机. They just want the video they hired you to deliver.

So as 2024 ramps up, and we’re all looking for ways to do more, 有时候,“久经考验”比你刚刚在博览会地板上看到的酷新工具更有价值. 考虑添加新工具提供的东西,比如免费的额外泡菜. And when you see how it fits into your production workflow, how reliable it is, 解决任何问题,然后你可以更自信地把它融入到其他事情中.

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